Not to beat the dead, rotting horse that is the story of Android fragmentation, but we’re being reminded again of how annoying it can be to deal with software updates and upgrades when you leave it up to the carriers and manufacturers. It’s not a pretty thing, either, when we see carriers like Sprint losing millions of dollars handling Android upgrades. Microsoft is taking charge of its new operating system, Windows Phone 7, by pushing out updates straight to users in the future whenever they become available.
ZDNet talked to Microsoft and the folks up in Redmond, WA said the following:
Microsoft will push Windows Phone 7 software updates to end users and all Windows Phone 7 devices will be eligible for updates.
That’s a pretty clear indication that when it comes to the latest updates and software upgrades for Windows Phone 7, no one will be left behind. It’s also not surprising since Microsoft laid down the rules for its new OS in terms of hardware that will support it, and the minimum technical requirements for hardware.
This is a big, new direction for Microsoft as it looks to re-enter the mobile space to keep up with – if not get ahead – of the current and rising giants, Apple and Google. As if that weren’t enough to worry about, the last thing the software maker needs is fragmentation of its OS and supported apps and hardware, so keeping on track with updates is a good start.
While the Windows Phone 7 launch numbers have been rather paltry so far this week, it shouldn’t really be considered any kind of indicator in terms of its potential for success. After all, word has yet to spread to all consumers – many friends asked me this week if I know anything about the new “Microsoft phones” – and the OS still has plenty of time and opportunities for refinement. And with the holidays coming up, both Microsoft and its hardware partners could see a nice spike in sales.
[Via: ZDNet]
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